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Expert 3660 Dater


The Expert Line 3660 is a heavy duty self-inking Dater with a rectangular imprint of 37 x 58 mm. It is recommended for up to 7 lines individual text and includes the date with a total of 12 years.

Sample imprint
7 lines 37 x 58 mm

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Product Information
Lines of text
Size of imprint
37 x 58 mm
Imprint colours
Height of date/figures
4.0 mm

Der COLOP 3660 Dater offers an imprint with text and date as well. It is a business date stamp out of the Expert Line with a very common imprint size. The Expert Line has been developed for repetitive, heavy usage. The chromium-plated steel frame is extremely robust. With a minimum of 80 % steel, the used metal equals stability and durability. The rectangular imprint with 37 x 58 mm is recommended for 7 lines including the date function for 12 years (format 12 NOV 2032 in 4 mm height).